Friday, August 31, 2007

Clash of the Titans: The Results

I just wanted to update everyone on who won the now legendary “Clash of the Titans” when Alex met the Atlantic Ocean head on. The undisputed winner was, of course, Alex! Above, Alex braves the surf and sun in his electric blue crocs. (The gentleman with the vampiric tan behind him, offering moral support, is me.)

I hope everyone’s had an enjoyable Summer and wish everyone here in America a restful Labor Day weekend. Growing up, Labor Day always meant Jerry Lewis and his MDA Telethon and the knowledge that the next day we'd be going back to school. (Now, pretty much everyone goes back to school before the holiday.) But those school days are still a long way off for us and Alex. After defeating the puny Atlantic, Alex issued his latest challenge (above) while splashing in the shade in his inflatable pool—“Pacific, you’re NEXT!”

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